Dr. Jayashree Murthy specializes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She currently practices at Motherhood Hospital, Indiranagar and Motherhood Hospital, Sarjapur. Also, she practices at her private clinic in Indiranagar which is a specialized Ultrasound Scanning Center for advanced pregnancy and Gynecological scans.Dr. Jayashree Murthy has post graduate experience of 18 years clinical experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Jayashree Murthy is one of the elite doctors who has 14 years experience in Advanced Ultra Sonography and does Ultra Sound scanning for Pregnancy, Gynaecology and Infertility cases.As she is one of the few doctors who does all Ultra sound study for her pregnancy and show more
gynec patients, the patients have the advantage that she is both their clinical doctor and ultra sound doctor and therefore manages all aspects of the patients care and treatment show less