Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad 2023-2024

Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad 2023-2024

Surrogacy has emerged as a viable alternative for couples encountering difficulties in conceiving a child through natural means. In recent times, Ahmedabad has ascended as a prominent hub for surrogacy treatments. This article endeavors to delve into the array of surrogacy options available in Ahmedabad, with a particular focus on the associated costs and the potential for guaranteed surrogacy utilizing donor eggs.

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What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy constitutes a medical procedure wherein a woman carries and delivers a child on behalf of another individual or couple. It extends a ray of hope to couples grappling with infertility due to a range of factors, including medical conditions.

Types of Surrogacy

Surrogacy takes shape in two primary forms: traditional and gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate mother being genetically linked to the child, as her own egg undergoes fertilization with the intended father's sperm. In contrast, gestational surrogacy entails the transfer of an embryo, derived from the gametes of the intended parents or donors, into the surrogate's uterus.

The Rising Trend of Surrogacy in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad has witnessed a substantial uptick in couples seeking surrogacy as a panacea for their fertility problems. The city's advanced medical infrastructure, accomplished fertility specialists, and relatively economical treatment costs have collectively contributed to its prominence as a sought-after destination for surrogacy.

Factors Influencing Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad

Several determinants impact the surrogacy cost in Ahmedabad. Prospective parents must grasp these variables to make informed decisions.

  • Medical Expenditures: Encompassing fertility treatments, prenatal care, delivery expenses, and postnatal care for the surrogate, medical costs can fluctuate based on the surrogate's health and potential medical complications.
  • Legal and Administrative Outlays: Navigating legal and administrative necessities involves formulating surrogacy agreements, procuring legal authorizations, and managing documentation. Prudent attention to these legal aspects is imperative to preempt potential disputes in the future.
  • Agency Charges: Engaging a surrogacy agency can streamline the process and furnish essential support. However, agency fees contribute to the overall surrogacy expenses in Ahmedabad.
  • Donor Egg Expenses: In scenarios involving gestational surrogacy, the cost of donor eggs can significantly sway the overall financial outlay. Access to a diverse pool of healthy egg donors may entail supplementary costs.

Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad 2023-2024

Surrogacy Procedure ( Till Baby Birth )

Procedure Cost INR ( 2023 - 2024 )

Surrogacy with Self Egg

Rs. 14 Lakh to 18 Lakh

Surrogacy by donor egg

Rs. 15 Lakh to 20 Lakh

Surrogacy with donor sperms and own egg

Rs. 13 Lakh to 18 Lakh

Surrogate Mother (SM) (Cost )

Up to Rs. 6 Lakh to 8 Lakh

IVF Cost

Up to Rs. 5 Lakh to 8 Lakh

Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)

Up to Rs. 2 Lakh to 3 Lakh

Normal Vaginal Delivery Cost

Up to Rs. 60,000 INR

Cesarean section or Delivery Cost

Up to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh

Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)

Up to Rs. 4 Lakh

Caretaker Costs + Cook ( Cost ) + Maid for Surrogate Mother Cost

Up to Rs. 1 Lakh

Surrogate mother Post Pregnancy Protein and Medication Cost

Up to Rs. 2 Lakh to 3 Lakh

Legal Cost

Rs. 2 Lakh

Surrogate Mother Post Embryo Transfer Drugs Cost

Up to Rs. 30000

Donor Workup Cost

Up to Rs. 60,000 INR

Post-Preg Care/Scans Cost + Taxi and caretaker allowance Cost

Up to Rs. 10000

Embryo Storage and freezing for 6 months Cost

Up to Rs. 10000

Egg donor cost

Rs. 60,000 to 1,50,000

Egg donor insurance cost

Rs. 3,000 to 5,000

Surrogate mother insurance cost

Rs. 5,000 to 10,000

Baby DNA Report (Available after birth)

Rs. 15,000

Investigation test cost

Rs. 10,000

NICU Charges after Baby Birth

Rs. 1 Lakh to 6 Lakh

Surrogacy costs in Ahmedabad remain comparatively modest in relation to other cities, both within India and globally. The confluence of affordable pricing and promising success rates beckons many couples to contemplate surrogacy in Ahmedabad.

Guaranteed Surrogacy with Donor Egg

Ensured Surrogacy with Donor Eggs proffers a promising avenue for couples wrestling with infertility to manifest their aspirations of parenthood. This exceptional process involves employing a healthy donor's egg, merging it with the intended father's sperm, and transferring the resultant embryo into the surrogate mother's womb. Opting for this procedure heightens the likelihood of a fruitful pregnancy and the realization of a blissful family life.

How Does Guaranteed Surrogacy with Donor Egg Work?

Within this framework, a meticulously selected egg donor, chosen for her robust health and genetic makeup, contributes her eggs. Subsequently, these eggs undergo fertilization with the intended father's sperm via in vitro fertilization (IVF). The ensuing embryos are nurtured and monitored in a controlled laboratory milieu to ensure their viability.

Upon deeming the embryos fit for transfer, they are introduced into the surrogate mother's uterus. The surrogate's pivotal role involves shepherding the pregnancy to term and facilitating childbirth. Throughout this journey, aspiring parents receive unwavering backing from a team of devoted medical practitioners and emotional counselors.

Advantages of Opting for Ensured Surrogacy with Donor Eggs

The paramount benefit of Ensured Surrogacy with Donor Eggs lies in its heightened success rate vis-à-vis conventional IVF methodologies. The utilization of robust donor eggs substantially augments the odds of a successful pregnancy. Moreover, the surrogate mother's involvement guarantees a secure and nurturing milieu for the embryo's development, thereby amplifying the prospects of a healthful delivery.

This protocol kindles hope among couples who may have grappled with repeated failed IVF attempts or confront fertility impediments. The availability of high-quality donor eggs unfurls novel prospects for those who may have previously deemed parenthood beyond reach.

The Emotional Expedition: The expedition toward parenthood can be laden with emotions and challenges. The guaranteed surrogacy program extends comprehensive emotional succor to hopeful parents across the trajectory. From electing the egg donor to witnessing the progression of pregnancy, each stride is eased through adept guidance and empathetic support.

Legal Deliberations: To safeguard all stakeholders, the legal dimensions of guaranteed surrogacy are meticulously addressed. All parties engage in a detailed legal accord delineating their rights and obligations throughout the process. This fortifies a seamless and legally sound journey through surrogacy, enabling intended parents to channel their focus toward the imminent joys of parenthood.

The New Surrogacy Law in India 2023-2024

  1. Eligibility Criteria: The 2023 surrogacy law in India introduces specific eligibility requirements for intended parents. To qualify for surrogacy, both the prospective mother and father must be Indian citizens, married for at least five years, and fall within age ranges of 23 to 50 for females and 26 to 55 for males. These criteria aim to ensure that surrogacy is pursued by individuals genuinely committed to parenthood.

  2. Promoting Altruistic Surrogacy: The law emphasizes altruistic surrogacy, prohibiting surrogate mothers from receiving monetary compensation beyond medical expense reimbursement and insurance coverage. This safeguards against commercial exploitation, highlighting the selfless nature of this choice.

  3. Close Relatives as Surrogates: The law permits close relatives of the intending couple to act as surrogates, provided they meet medical and eligibility standards. This provision encourages family involvement in the surrogacy process, creating a support system for intending parents.

  4. Emphasis on Legal Protection: The legislation stresses the need for legally binding agreements between intending parents and surrogate mothers, outlining rights, responsibilities, and financial obligations. This clarity offers legal protection to all parties involved.

  5. National Surrogacy Board: A National Surrogacy Board is established to oversee and regulate the surrogacy process, ensuring compliance with the law and addressing disputes. This introduces much-needed oversight to the surrogacy field.

  6. Transition Grace Period: The law provides a grace period for existing surrogacy arrangements to be completed under the prior legislation. New surrogacy arrangements must adhere to the new law's provisions.


Finding the Right Surrogacy Clinic in Ahmedabad

Selecting the right surrogacy clinic stands as a pivotal determinant for a triumphant surrogacy voyage. Here are a few guidelines to unearth the most suitable clinic.

  • Methodical Exploration: Diligent exploration is imperative to pinpoint reputable clinics with a history of successful surrogacy treatments.
  • Perusing Patient Testimonials: Insights garnered from patient testimonials can furnish valuable perspectives into the experiences of those who have traversed the surrogacy path within the same clinic.
  • Consulting with Experts: Seeking counsel from fertility experts enables aspiring parents to cultivate a profound understanding of the process and the clinic's expertise.

Surrogacy in Ahmedabad bequeaths hope to couples harboring dreams of nurturing a child. With its economic outlays and cutting-edge medical amenities, Ahmedabad has burgeoned into an auspicious nexus for surrogacy interventions. Yet, it remains incumbent upon intended parents to undertake meticulous research and attain comprehensive comprehension of the process, costs, and legal facets, before embarking upon this poignant odyssey.

FAQ'S (Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad 2023-2024)

Q: What is surrogacy, and how does it work?
Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries a pregnancy for another individual or couple. The embryo is created using the intended parents' or donors' genetic material and is implanted into the surrogate's uterus.

Q: Why has Ahmedabad become a popular destination for surrogacy?
Ahmedabad offers advanced medical facilities, qualified fertility specialists, and comparatively affordable treatment costs, making it an attractive option for couples seeking surrogacy solutions.

Q: What are the types of surrogacy available in Ahmedabad?
Ahmedabad offers various types of surrogacy, including traditional surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, and gestational surrogacy with donor eggs.

Q: What factors influence the surrogacy cost in Ahmedabad?
The cost of surrogacy in Ahmedabad is influenced by medical expenses, legal and administrative costs, agency fees, and donor egg costs.

Q: What is guaranteed surrogacy with donor eggs?
Guaranteed surrogacy with donor eggs involves using a healthy donor's egg, fertilizing it with the intended father's sperm, and transferring the resulting embryo to a surrogate mother's womb.

Q: How does guaranteed surrogacy with donor eggs work?
In this process, a carefully selected egg donor's eggs are fertilized through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and implanted into the surrogate's uterus, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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About Author

Dr. Nisha Sharma

Studied at Red Roses Sr. Sec. School, D-Block, Arya Samaj Mandir; she has established herself into a renowned personality. She received her degrees (both BDS and MDS) in dentistry. She received her fellowship at the Pierre Fauchard Academy (FPFA). She has also received her certifications for full mouth rehabilitation and cosmetic dentistry. Currently, she practices her medicine of dentistry at Dr. Chopra Dental Clinic in Ramesh Nagar, Delhi.

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  • Mansi

    Thanks for the valuable information.

    2023-01-05 00:00:00

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