Dr. Risha Sharma specializes in biomedicine and craniosacral therapy for the management of AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS in children. She has an experience of 8 years working in this field internationally in Singapore and now in India as well. IN THE Past 8 years, she has worked with people from more than 30 countries from South East Asia, Australia, Europe and UKAt wishfulhealing, we use completely natural products and gentle hands-on therapy to improve anxiety, social behavior, focus and speech in children. Besides, this we have a strong clientele of women looking to improve their health through naturopathy and Ayurveda for lifestyle disorders, PCOS, PCOD, FIBROIDS, DYSMENORRHEA, AMENORRHEA, show more
IRREGULAR MENSIS, PRE PREGNANCY PREPARATION, THYROID, DIABETES, FATTY LIVER, OBESITY, DIET CONTROL, PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING AND SUPPORT. At wishfulhealing, our aim is to strengthen men, women and special needs children become the best version of themselves through natural therapies, herbal medicines and supplements for overall improvement in their health. Check out her instagram handle - drrisha0826, youtube, facebook - Dr. Risha Sharma, for more details. show less