Services All
* Dr KM Gandhi Gold Medal for Oral Surgery - 1997* P.R.R Memorial Gold Medal for Oral Surgery - 1997
* Dr M.S Gowd Gold Medal for Prosthodontics - 1997
* College Topper in Basic Sciences of BDS - 1995
* State Merit Scholar Award for Secondary Exams - 1990
* National Merit Scholar Award for Secondary Exams - 1990
* Paper Presentation on Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures
* Kings Lynn
* UK - 2008
* Paper Presentation on Sagittal split osteotomies
* Journal club
* Peterborough
* UK - 2007
* Paper Presentation on Features of 3rd molar that influence distal cervical caries in 2nd molar
* Peterborough - 2007
* Paper Presentation on Interpretation of common Chest X rays
* Derby - 2004
* Auditing on Outcome of apicectomies
* QE hospital
* Kings Lynn
* UK
* Auditing on Histopathology form audit
* Peterborough district hospital
* UK
* Auditing on Characteristics of patients taken to emergency theatres
* Aberdeen
* UK
* Auditing on Review appointments for Mandibular fractures
* Derby
* UK.
* Case notes audit on elective admissions in Southern General Hospital
* Glasgow
* UK.
* Auditing on Head and neck skin cancers- Queen Margaret Hospital
* Dunfermline
* Scotland
* UK
* Indian Dental Association* Indian Society of Oral Implantologist
Shri Krishnasai Clinic
BDS, Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons(MFDS), Fellowship in Oral implantlogy
26, Rathinapuri, 3rd Street, Landmark: Near Nathella Sulochanamma Kalyana Mandapam, Chennai, Chennai