DR. D.SOWMYA MD Dermatologist, Trichologist and Cosmetologist isa renowned Doctor in her field of Expertise. She has more than 9 years ofclinical experience in the field of medicine. She completed her Post graduationin a reputed medical college in Chennai. Following Post Graduation she pursuedFellowship in Cosmetology from Stanely Medical College and also a shortfellowship course in Aesthetic Dermatology from Germany. Recently; she alsoholds a Diploma in Medical Micropigmentation/Permanent Makeup. This is aupcoming recent advances in the field of Cosmetology that help those patientswith Vitiligo ( White Skin disease) and those loss of eye brows and those whoare undergoing Chemotherapy. This show more
procedure done to help individualsconfidently attend social gatherings. She has presented various papers in bothNational and International forums/Conferences. She is also author inDermatology textbook and has many publications under her name.Dr. D. Sowmya is a very polite Doctor, spends adequate time during herconsultations to explain everything clearly. She is also a Consultant in ApolloSpectra Hospitals, Chennai and a Assistant professor in Dermatology in areputed medical college in Chennai show less