Dr. Joy VargheseDirector - Department of Hepatology & Transplant Hepatology, Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai He is a visiting consultant hepatologist & liver transplant physician and member of teaching faculty in Department of Hepatology, Govt. General Hospital, Chennai and Institute of Liver Transplantation in Govt. Stanley Medical College Hospital, Chennai.He has played a vital role for setting up cadaver liver transplant program in various hospitals in Tamil nadu and Kerala states in both Goverment & Non-Goverment sector. He is a examinar for National Board Examination (Gastroenterology - Speciality). He has published more than 60 research articles in the field of hepatology / show more
liver transplantation in the indexed journals and written book chapters. He has been serving as an editorial board member of World Journal of Hepatology and Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and reviewer board member for various International & National journals.He worked as the Course Director for Fellowship in Hepatology course for 3 years at Gleneagles Global Health City, affliated by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical university, Chennai, India.He received Fellowship in transplant hepatology at University hospital, Essen, Germany. In his earlier career, he worked as assistant professor in Amirta Institute of Medical Sciences & Reseach Centre, Kochi. Then, he joined as Consultant Hepatologist & Liver transplant physician in Global hospital & health city, Chennai and has been directly involved in more than 600 adult liver (both cadaver & living donor) transplant peri-operative and long-term management.He has vast experiance in manging both medical & surgical liver intensive care unit (Liver ICU) patients. He is the one of the very few initiator in the World for therapeutic plasma exchange role in liver disease management.Current clinical interests: Hepatitis B / Hepatitis C / Fatty liver / Cirrhosis/ Liver Transplantation / Liver cancerCurrent research interests: Hepatitis B / Hepatitis C / Fatty liver / Liver cancer show less