Dr. U Hemalatha is a Physiotherapist in Tambaram West, Chennai and has an experience of 7 years in this field. Dr. U Hemalatha practices at Care N Cure in Tambaram West, Chennai. She completed BPTh/BPT from Vel’s College of Physiotherapy in 2009, MPTh/MPT from Madras college of physiotherapy in 2012 and Post Graduation Diploma in Developmental Therapy from National Institute for Empowerment of Person with Multiple Disabilities in 2014.Doctor has learnt advancement in physiotherapy through masters since 2012.Doctor has learnt many ways to treat the disability of person through her PGDDT. Through pain management different methods of approach to be used in Care n Cure Physio along with the show more
followups and Rehabilitation programs done to make the person fit and engage back to his normal life activities show less