Dr. M Malarpriya is a Dermatologist and Cosmetologist in Ganapathy, Coimbatore and has an experience of 18 years in these fields. Dr. M Malarpriya practices at Sekure Skin & Cosmetic Clinic in Ganapathy, Coimbatore. She completed MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College in 2006 and DDVL from PSG Institute of Medical Science & Research in 2014. show more
She is a member of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL). Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Dermabrasion,Sun Spots, Age Spots, And Other Pigmented Lesions,Peel, Polishing, Lasers,Scar Treatment and Wart Removal etc. show less