More than 15 years of experience in treating sports injuries, offer sports medicine consultation. Trained in a broad and comprehensive range of manipulation modalities that are integrated into a global treatment session. The majority of these modalities focus on soft tissue and joint manipulation. They include Counterstrain, Muscle Energy, Osteoarticular (HVLT) and Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Dry Needling. Subtle body manipulations include Cranial Manipulation (Cranio-Sacral Therapy), Functional Technique and Ligamentous Articular Strain. Visceral Manipulation is frequently incorporated into treatment sessions as well. Lymphatic Activation is another modality that is given as a show more
separate treatment option for stimulation of the immune system. By addressing the cranial and visceral internal rhythms and motions in addition to the muscular and skeletal system a far greater and deeper level of health can be achieved. Always been an educationist lecturing, learning for a lifetime. To work towards popularization of OMPT orthopedic manual physical therapy as an effective & efficient profession in INDIA show less