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* KC. Khandhari Award in AIIMS - 1990* Ex Vice President IADVL - 2013
* Recipent of prestige professor sardari lal memorial award 2014 for outstanding services to delhi - 2014
* Indian Association of Dermatologists - Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)* International Fellow Of American Academy Of Dermatology
* Member-International Society of Dermatology
* Member-European Academy of Dermatology
* Life Member-Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India
* Life Member-Pediatric Dermatology Society of India
* Life Member-Pigmentory Society of India
* Life Member-Cosmetic Dermatology Society of India
* Life Member-Dermatopathology Society of India
* Life Member NGC
Max Super Speciality Hospital
2108 A, Indraprasth Extension, Landmark: Opposite Sanchar Apartments, Delhi