Dr. Richa Gupta is a Physiotherapist ( Manual Therapist) practicing in Jagriti Enclave. She has been Practicing for the past 7 years. She is a qualified MPT specialized in Muscular-skeletal and orthopedic condition. She is specialized in Aligning the whole body and especially the spine and Disc problems. She has been certified in Advanced Postural Bio-mechanical Correction by English Osteopathic School, United Kingdom. She is renowned for her Dry needling, Cupping Therapy, Kinesio -Taping, Osteopathy.Dr. Richa Gupta specializes in Alignment of bones and joints, Dry Needling, Osteopathy ,Cupping, Kinseio Taping, Soft Tissue Manipulation, Functional Training, Electric Therapy, Manual show more
Therapy, Strengthening Training, Pre-op and Post-op Training and Rehab, Neural Disorders.She has given excellent results to patients of Insomnia( Lack of sleep ) and Migraine by a combination of Therapies within few sessions. She is one of the very few doctors in India who specializes in Aligning the Whole Body by working on discs and joints and turning the disc to its normal position and she also enables in releasing the pressed nerves by using the latest technologies and hands on practice. show less