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* ISGCON 2004 - Study Of Natural History And Prophylactic Sclerotherapy In High Risk Cirrhotics* APICON 2005 - Does Mutation Of Hepatitis A Virus Exist In Northern India?
* ISGCON 2005 - A Prospective Study Of Hepatitis B Virus With Hiv And Other Associated Hepatitis Viruses In Patients Of Chronic Liver Disease
* APDW 2008 - Celiac Disease Among Patients Of Portal Hypertension: First Suspicion On Endoscopy
* Indian Society of Gastroenterology* Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India.
Miglani Clinic
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Gastroenterology
22D/9-10, B.P, Landmark: Opposite Govt. Boys School & Near Tikona Park Market, Faridabad, Faridabad