Dr. Anuroop Roy ,Has Fellowship In Aesthetic Medicine and Clinical Training In Application of Botox and Dermal Fillers First Hand under Plastic Surgeons In Miami, USA which is the mecca for Aesthetic Medicine. With Over 7 Years Experience, treating Thousands of Patients Onboard Luxury cruise lines worldwide with some of the best teams, working for Steiner Transocean, Miami, USA the biggest Medispa provider In the world, is also Qualified from the Solta Medical, USA - the #1 provider of Skin Rejuvenation, Skin Tightening, Skin Resurfacing, Fat reduction, Acne and Hair treatments worldwide. He is also a lifetime member of Indian Society Of Aesthetic Medicine. He is a international expert in show more
anti-ageing medicine and also experienced in performing some of the latest cosmetic procedures Like Botox Dermal fillers, Thermage, PRP, Chemical peels ,Acne, Scar, Pigmentation Solutions using Latest technology with prime focus on patient satisfaction and wellness. With that aim he has established Derma 360 clinics in Hyderabad for which he is the founder and Medical Director. show less