Dr. Swarupananda Sarkar has been practicing as a Homoeopathic Psychiatrist for around 10 Years in the Field of Psychiatry. He has great experience of various Psychiatric indoor and outdoor cases from urban, rural and tribal areas. Dr. Sarkar has done great work on Alcohol Addiction and Withdrawal, Panic Attack, Conversion Reaction, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Brief Psychotic Episode, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Sexual Dysfunction, DHAT Syndrome, Insomnia, Tics Disorder etc. Apart from these Dr. Sarkar has experience in Child Psychiatry also like ADHD, Learning Disorder, Mental Retardation Etc. He has done a project on Mental Retardation which show more
was awarded By Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy, India and he was invited to present this research in 2nd International AYUSH conference, Dubai. Dr. Sarkar has also given training to Govt. Medical Officers in Jaipur on Mental Health and Homoeopathy. show less