Dr. Shipra Kumari, Physiotherapist by profession practicing in Newtown Kolkata for over 5 years now. She graduated in Physical Therapy from KLE University Belgaum Karnataka with proven skills in the field of Sports physical therapy, Neuro Rehab, Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, Pediatrics and Geriatric Rehabilitation and Women Wellness. Dr. Shipra is certified in Kinesiology Taping, Aquatic Therapy, Podiatrics, Biomechanical Taping and Manual Techniques. Dr. Shipra has been involved in spreading awareness towards physical therapy intervention as ERT in Kolkata with Airtel Marathon and as partner with NKDA Women Marathon to avoid any sprain, Injury or inflammation post Run. Dr. Shipra has show more
started Alexa Physiotherapy Clinic an initiative to benefit patients with dedicated and specialised physiotherapy treatment. show less