Dr VJS Virdi has worked as a consultant at Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Sector-32, Chandigarh. Dr VJS Virdi has also done his Shalini Rakesh fellowship in Peadatric Nephrology from AIIMS. He has 20 papers in indexed journals to his credit including half of them as neonatal as well as pediatric basic and advanced life support courses. He has also successfully undergone the 8th Pediatric intensive care training programme at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. He has also an expert orator and has presented papers & delivered lecturea at various places like COGS & FOGSI Conventions. He is a life member of IAP and National Nenonatology forum as well as the pediatric Nephrology & show more
Gastroenterology groups. He was one of the panelist on a panel discussion on "Birth Asphyxia" at the annual IAP meeting 2005-2006 held at PGIMER. show less