Services All
* Dr. Santosh Jain Memorial Gold Medal for securing highest Marks In BDS Final Professional Examination* Proff. M N Mathur Gold Medal for securing aggregate highest Marks In BDS 1st-4th Year
* Vedavati Gold medal for obtaining Highest Mark in BDS Examination among girls
* "Silver Medal for orthodonia with preventive & childrens Dentistry in BDS final Professional Examination"
* CIBCA trophy by India society of periodontology for standing first in periodontolegy in BDS in professional Examination
* Nine Certificates of honor in various specialties of dentistry
* Indian Dental Association* Federation Of Operative Dentistry of India (FODI)
Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital
BDS, MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
2Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Hiranandani Business Park, Landmark: Opposite Powai Lake, Mumbai, Mumbai