Dr Santosh, born and brought up in Nagpur, completed his M.D in herbal medicine preparation and formulation. Dr. Santosh Pusadkar is the CEO of Vishwakumbh ayurvediya chikitsalay, he was Assi. professor of the department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana [Ayurveda pharmacology] at Datta meghe ayurvedic college.He believes in spirituality, as it can be a way for self-awareness.He his thankful for his mentor's of "Ayurveda" who had played an invaluable role in enhancing his quest to understand this ancient Indian science of medicine.He likes doing Social contribution and is associated with few organizations who provide medical aid to needy.He also practices Astrology, Numerology and show more
Palmistry, looking towards it as a scientific tool which was used in our country since ages.He says, "Having a "Mentor" in life is as important as having a soul in a body". "One should have a mentor’s in our life so that our journey with their support becomes complete and they will definitely guide us in our path". show less