I completed my Diploma in Psychiatry Medicine(DPM) from renowned Topiwala National Medical College/ BYL Ch Nair Hospital , Mumbai. Soon after this, I got the opportunity to work at Department of Psychiatry at world famous King Edward Memorial Hospital(KEM), Mumbai. Later I worked at the famous Bombay Drug Deaddiction Center of Excellence at KEM hospital for three years under the special project Drug Treatment Clinic initially as Medical officer and later as Coordinator. During my stay at above mentioned institutes , I got the training to diagnose and treat variety of patients suffering from all kinds of mental health disorders including various Psychosexual disorders. At KEM hospital, I got show more
special training to treat all kind ADDICTIONS. I received special training and experience to treat patients suffering from Opioid dependence. I have also undertaken various training for Deaddcition and Mental Health Awareness programmes. I pledge to work towards improving mental health of the community and I specially dedicate my services for the awareness and treatment of Addiction disorders and Psychosexual wellness. show less