Jessica Ham-E-M-D-R Trained is a licensed clinical social worker and therapists based in Colorado.
You can contact Jessica Ham-E-M-D-R Trained for therapists sessions or inquiries at the following number:
Phone: +1-720-637-2961
Jessica Ham-E-M-D-R Trained has extensive training and credentials in clinical social work and therapists:
Degree: Clinical Social Work/Therapist MSW LSW
qualification: 'Prelicense by State of Colorado / LSW.0009923264'
You can reach our customer support team via by calling +1-720-637-2961.
Jessica Ham-E-M-D-R Trained works with a diverse range of clients, including:
1. Individuals
2. Families
3. Children and Teens
Jessica Ham-E-M-D-R Trained accepts various insurance plans to make her services more accessible to clients. These include:
1. BlueCross and BlueShield
2. Carelon Behavioral Health
3. ComPsych